Learn responsibly.

Mastering equity-driven data practices is possible.

The choice is yours.

Making More Responsible Data Connections

Learning equity-driven data practices helps you bake in inclusive approaches throughout the data management lifecycle. We assist educators, non-STEM practitioners and organizations in making data ethics implementable for their teams. We break down data ethics literacy into three core phases:


Determine your team's understanding of data and responsible AI, data literacy needs,  and set priorities for future action


Outline a data ethics literacy learning plan that addresses your critical ethical gaps. 


Deliver and evaluate the effectiveness of your data ethics literacy learning program  

Online Learning Portal

How does online coaching work?
Write your awesome label here.

Private Learning

An context-centered education program starts with private lessons and more.

Individual and group based sessions

We feature a selection of engagement options that allow you to gain equity-first data approaches.

Managers, educators and practitioners

Our learners can benefit from learning with their peers, no matter their discipline. We're all data people. 

Cohort-based programs

We can offer teams the ability to expand their data ethics literacy in a customized online environment

Coaching Services


Let's move intentionally and build better tech  together. You won't regret it..

We're lots of things here at DataedX Group: data strategy sessions, 1:1 private coaching and cohort-based programs. We’ offer a collection of resources packed full of techniques, tools, and tips to help you to make more responsible data practices.
If you’re an educator, manager,  or practitioner,  join our community today using the button below. Welcome.
Write your awesome label here.

Teamwork makes the dream work

DataedX Group takes you from data overwhelm to data clarity. We assist professionals and practitioners on integrating equity in their data operations and practices. We lay out how discrimination in data is made and identify coping and intervention strategies to be more just.

What our community say:

"Quite literally wouldn’t have made the strides I’ve made thus far without you, so thank you."

Aneesa V.

"I had a great experience and I hope everyone can take this as an amazing learning opportunity!"

Marcus W.

"Well I spent my time yesterday hooked up to Medium as they marked their eleven years of existence and I got more value listening to the panelist session on AI titled- "Is AI Really the Future?". The session was thought provoking it had Brandeis Marshall, PhD, Kenya Oduor, PhD, Dr. Chantel Perry all share their perspective on how we can integrate AI with the work we do rather than AI replacing human, humans should be shown how AI would help them do their work effectively."

Aduonye J.

Are you ready to learn to make tech better? 

The choice is yours.

Thank you!  
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